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CrossroadsFranzen, Jonathan, author. A dark and snowy nightGoldenbaum, Sally, author. Dead of winterCoates, Darcy, author. The December marketThayne, RaeAnne, author. Depth of winterJohnson, Craig, 1961- auth... Farewell, AmethystineMosley, Walter, author. The frozen riverLawhon, Ariel, author. Has anyone seen Charlotte Salter?French, Nicci, author. The heart in winterBarry, Kevin, 1969- author... The hidden : a novelGolding, Melanie, author. The house beyond the dunesBurton, Mary (Mary T.), au... The hundred loves of JulietSkye, Evelyn, author. In the midst of winter : a novelAllende, Isabel, author. It's a fabulous life : a novelFarmer, Kelly, author. June, reimagined : a novelCrane, Rebekah, author. Lovelight FarmsBorison, B. K., author. Moon of the crusted snow : a novelRice, Waubgeshig, 1979- au... One big happy familyMallery, Susan, author. One by oneWare, Ruth, author. The Polish girlAdler, Malka, 1945- author... The postcardBerest, Anne, 1979- author... Road of bonesGolden, Christopher, autho... Same time, same place : a novelBarnett, David, 1970 Janua... The sanctuaryEngberg, Katrine, 1975- au... Stolen : a novelLaestadius, Ann-Helén, au... The stolen hoursSwan, Karen (Writer), auth... The stolen hoursEskens, Allen, 1963- autho... This is how we end thingsJacobs, R. J., author. Thorns of frostStreet, Krista, author. We met in DecemberCurtis, Rosie, author. A winter by the seaKlassen, Julie, 1964- auth... Winter gardenHannah, Kristin, author. A winter in New York : a novelSilver, Josie, author. Winter lostBriggs, Patricia, author. Winter storms : a novelHilderbrand, Elin, author. Winter's maidenBusse, Morgan L., author. With love, from Cold WorldThompson, Alicia, 1984- au... Wolves of winterJones, Dan, 1981- author. You must remember this : a novelRosenfield, Kat, author. Yule IslandGustawsson, Johana, author... Some of the Best Books of 2024, part 1! Absolution : a Southern Reach novelVanderMeer, Jeff, author. All fours : a novelJuly, Miranda, 1974- autho... All the colors of the darkWhitaker, Chris, author. American diva : extraordinary, unruly, fabulousParédez, Deborah, 1970- a... Anita de Monte laughs lastGonzalez, Xochitl, 1977- a... Another word for love : a memoirWallace, Carvell, author. The anxious generation : how the great rewiring...Haidt, Jonathan, author. The barn : the secret history of a murder in Mi...Thompson, Wright, author. The boys of Riverside : a deaf football team an...Fuller, Thomas (Journalist... The bright sword : a novel of King ArthurGrossman, Lev, author. Colored televisionSenna, Danzy, author. The demon of unrest : a saga of hubris, heartbr...Larson, Erik, 1954- author... The familiarBardugo, Leigh, author. Fire exitTalty, Morgan, 1991- autho... The Friday afternoon club : a family memoirDunne, Griffin, author. Funny storyHenry, Emily, author. The god of the woodsMoore, Liz, 1983- author. The great divideHenríquez, Cristina, 1977... Greta & ValdinReilly, Rebecca K., author... Grief is for peopleCrosley, Sloane, author. Help wantedWaldman, Adelle, author. Hip-hop is historyQuestlove, author. How to end a love story : a novelKuang, Yulin, author. I cheerfully refuseEnger, Leif, author. JamesEverett, Percival, author. John Lewis : a lifeGreenberg, David, 1968- au... Knife : meditations after an attempted murderRushdie, Salman, author. The last one at the wedding : a novelRekulak, Jason, author. Lies and weddingsKwan, Kevin, author. The light eaters : how the unseen world of plan...Schlanger, Zoë, author. The lions' denMwanza, Iris, 1969- author... Martyr!Akbar, Kaveh, author. Memory pieceKo, Lisa, author. The mighty red : a novelErdrich, Louise, author. The ministry of timeBradley, Kaliane, author. Playground : a novelPowers, Richard, 1957- aut... Revenge of the tipping point : overstories, sup...Gladwell, Malcolm, 1963- a... The small and the mighty : twelve unsung Americ...McMahon, Sharon, author. Soldiers and kings : survival and hope in the w...De León, Jason, 1977- aut... Someone like usMengestu, Dinaw, 1978- aut... A sunny place for shady people : storiesEnriquez, Mariana, author. Tell me everything : a novelStrout, Elizabeth, author. There are rivers in the skyShafak, Elif, 1971- author... There is no Ethan : how three women caught Amer...Akbari, Anna, author. Wandering starsOrange, Tommy, 1982- autho... We loved it all : a memory of lifeMillet, Lydia, 1968- autho... We solve murdersOsman, Richard, 1970- auth... The wedding peopleEspach, Alison, 1984- auth... Whiskey tender : a memoirTaffa, Deborah Jackson, 19... The womenHannah, Kristin, author.